Most blog posts, news and articles we read this year have lines like, ���������������������������it has been a tough year so far���������������������������. Year 2020 is undeniably wild and demanding among others, and of course women are leaving the work place due to the pandemic. Some time around August, some of us thought by December we will witness some improved changes as far as COVID-19 is concerned. And now, few days away from 2021, governments and health experts are talking of a second wave of COVID-19 and lock down. It is so obvious that many people are affected during th”https://join.chief.com/pandemic-impact-on-executive-women.html”>CHIEF survey in the US, ���������������������������30% of women say the pandemic is knocking them off their professional career course, while 24% are planning on leaving their companies sooner due to the company���������������������������s response to the pandemic.���������������������������
A report by the United Nations reveals that ���������������������������nearly 60% of women around the world work in insecure, informal employment, earn on average 16% less than their male colleagues due to the gender wage gap and are 25% more likely to live in poverty when compared to men���������������������������. This is simply saying women on average compared to men, earn less, save less and have less secure jobs when compared to men.
One of thcent Women in the Workplace Report on the impact of the COVID- 19 by LearnIn.org������������������ and consulting firm McKinsey & Company.
���������������������������The biggest challenge is meetings. I need to be available “attachment_1281″ align=”alignnone” width=”300″] Working mothers facing challenges in balancing work and childcare.[/caption]
In relation to the same report, in a publication by ABC news with Lareina Yee, McKinney���������������������������s chief diversity and inclusion officer said ���������������������������the toll on working moms is very real���������������������������, noting that working moms are repor”http://join.chief.com/pandemic-impact-on-executive-women”>CHIEF, a private network in the US driving more women into power reveals that women who remain in the work place are at an increased risk of burning out as they take up more responsibilities on to the already existing ones.
This shows clearly that more women who leave the workplace or stay are affected greatly in one way or the other. Nevertheless, there is one proven solution to this problem ��������������������������� Entrepreneurship.
Women should start to consider starting a business no matter how small it might be, it might be challenging but we have seen how entrepreneurs have managed to survive in these trying times.
In additions to financial independence, entrepreneurship helps in building an individual���������������������������s career in the right direction especially for women who are more vulnerable to insecure jobs, low wages and discrimination at the work place. This path of caree rapid advancement compared to them working in the corporate world.