ýýýIf you want to hide something from Africans, write it down in a bookýýý.This is a refrain most Africans often have heard growing up, but in reality some of us have come across Africans who started reading at an early age, some ended up being one of the most celebrated authors around the globe .They published well written books that tell the story of Africa and her people, her fights and struggles, achievements and success stories. These books have appeared on various international platforms. We share with you three books you should have on your reading radar.These books are captivating, engaging and take the art of storytelling to elevated heights.
If you crave a deeper insight on one of the world���������������������������s most powerful offices ��������������������������� the White House, a promised land by the former US president Barack Obama is a perfect suit.
The book give us a chance to have a closer look at the life before , during and after the presidency of the first ever black President of the US. Obama talks about his early days of campaigning , family vacations and he made use of many personal stories to inspire youths who dream of running for public office someday.The litany of extraordinary and inspiring st””>
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Half of a Yellow Sun won awards and attracted rave reviews globally. Written by Chimanda Ngozie Adichie,the setting is the Biafra war of Nigeria.
The book looks at feminism, end of colonialism, class and ethnicity . Being naturally a great storyteller, Ngozi used three characters to tell an amazing story that left the world craving to read more of it.The book which was published in 2006 remains fresh in the eyes of its wide and diverse audiences.
More on chimamanda and books kindly visit���ï””>
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If you are a black mother struggling with getting kids to accept themselves the way they are, or a young girl struggling to find your identity especially in �����” then this book gets you covered. Lovette, a Gambian- Swedish author, activist and philanthropist takes on issues like colorism, post colonialism and racism. As a black Swedish who confronted these issues while growing up, Lovette���������������������������s way of talking about these issues in the boo””> ������������������where she t