Women discussing career choices and mentoring on The Sisters Show
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Part 2 | Career Choices |The Ups & Downs| & The Importance Of Mentoring Minorities |The Sisters Show

Part 2| The sisters discuss their career choices and what lead them to choose theirs. They also discuss the difficult times they endured and some of the lessons learned during their journeys to success. The importance of mentorship was also talked about but particularly with minorities. Mentor on the Spot Program for Women. If you […]
Women discussing career choices and mentoring on The Sisters Show
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Part 1 | Career Choices |The Ups & Downs| & The Importance Of Mentoring Minorities |The Sisters Show

The sisters discuss their career choices and what lead them to choose theirs. They also discuss the difficult times they endured and some of the lessons learned during their journeys to success. The importance of mentorship was also talked about but particularly with minorities. Mentor on the Spot Program for Women. If you have any […]
Diverse group of women participating in mentorship program on The Sisters Show
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The Sisters Show Has Brought To You A Program Where You Get The Opportunity To Appear On Our Show And Be Mentored On The Spot.

The Mentor on the Spot segment of the show will enable participants to gain insight and industry knowledge from the Ceesay sisters regarding their careers. The aim is to help you be better prepared and to be knowledgeable about experience based issues from the personalized perspectives of the sisters who are leaders in their various […]

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